This has been a MOST busy week for the Rotary Club of Jamestown. On Friday, September 20 our Rotarian representatives took part in one of the most critical initiatives Rotarians can share with the young people in our community. The Club reached out to the Principal of Love Elementary because they have the unique benefit of welcoming students from many parts of the world over the past few years. It was hoped they could relate and put into practice many of the concepts raised in the book “Peace” by Wendy Halperin, which encourages peace within the world, our country, our state, local communities and in our homes.
To acknowledge International Day of Peace, September 21, 2024, nine Rotarians visited S. G. Love Elementary School to read to every child in the school. Our Club hopes to re-dedicate the existing Peace Pole on the school grounds to advance Rotary’s goal to inspire unity among people of all cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds.
On Saturday, September 24, 2024, Sue and Greg Jones had the honor of visiting the two Peace Poles erected just outside Hendrix’s Chapel in the Quadrangle at Syracuse University.
Monday Evening the Rotary Club of Jamestown welcomed 26 members of the Jamestown Young Professionals and fellow Rotarians from the Greater Jamestown AM Rotary Club for a delightful social event to “Fall into Service” and learn more about the joys of community service at the Southern Tier Brewing Company.
The 50/50 was won by Steve Sandberg and everyone enjoyed good food, great beer and classic rock with the band “Two Towns.” Each JYP received a “goodie” bag that included a certificate for a free lunch with the Rotary Club of Jamestown with the hope it will be the beginning of their interest in Service Above Self.
On September 27, many Rotarians from our Club and the AM Club met at the Reg Lenna to test out their new seats! We were welcomed by Hillary Meyer Executive Director of the Reg and struck several different poses.
The Rotary meeting of September 30 began with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the National Anthem followed by an invocation by Tory Irgang.
President-Elect Michelle Jones introduced visiting Rotarians Wally (from Utah – soon to be new transfer member) and Sara Gilbert, President of the Greater Jamestown AM Rotary and Alyssa Chamberlain of Journey’s End Hotel.
Michelle also announced she will be having a fundraising meeting in the next two weeks to kick around ideas/suggestions for a small Spring fundraiser. Put your thinking caps on and be prepared to come up with some great ideas!
Sara Gilbert then invited everyone to buy a ticket ($50/person) for the Rotary Football Party to be held at Ellicottville Brewing Company in Bemus Point beginning at noon on Sunday, October 6 and then continuing through the Buffalo Bills football party with lots of raffles and prizes, silent auction items and other ways to spend your money to benefit this Club whose ONLY fundraiser is this one!!!! TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR!
Thanks To Sue Jones for writing Rotarily Yours and to Caitlin O’Reilly for serving as official greeter.
New transfer member Wally has stepped up to give the invocations for the month of November and Pauline is still looking for volunteers for October and December. It’s easy – JUST CALL HER AND VOLUNTEER!
Our Club will be participating in the Jamestown Holiday Parade this year. Set up of our float will be Dec. 6 and the parade is Dec. 7 with the theme of LITERACY.
Cheri Krull announced the Youth Services committee will be making plans to interview prospective Exchange students over the next two months. Please get involved.
We have been notified that a young Aussie male from Tasmania will be arriving to spend a year with us just after January 1, 2025.
The committee will also begin making plans for the Jamestown exchange weekend (students from the entire district spend the last weekend of April here, learning the ins and outs of being an exchange student AND learning about our community. VOLUNTEER to help in some way!!!!
October 6 is HIGHWAY CLEANUP. Meet Sunday morning at 8:30 at the Route 60 Park ‘n Ride.
Joni Blackman, Foundation Chrmn. reported that about one dozen walkers met in Buffalo to participate in the walk for Polio and she took our $170 in donations.
She and Marion have devised another fundraising challenge. Starting Oct. 24 through January 21, 2025, each who wants to participate can pledge to donate $1 to polio plus and the Rotary Club of Jamestown for every day that you walk 10 minutes or more. At the end of those 90 days, you will donate a 50/50 split of the total amount you raise – the percentages you choose to donate are ultimately yours to make. Talk to Marion or Joni for the forms and for more information.
Sue Jones pleaded with members to READ the ROTARY magazine for this month and learn more about polio eradication.
Emily Cama announced the 50/50 split was $53 and it was won by new corporate member Jody Osgood.
Jason Sample filled in for Sergeant at Arms Doug Conroe and fined Joni for the Apple Festival; Amy Rohler for the United Ways; CRCF’s Tory for funding for First Lutheran; the BPU for flushing the mains; someone for the Golisano $1.5 million gift to the Humane Society; and CHQ for the first ever Made in Falconer event. He raked in money for winning college and professional football winners too.
Happy bucks were paid by Diana Meckley for her 46th wedding anniversary spent cruising in the Maritimes and now off to the Albuquerque Balloon Festival for two weeks; Kristin Melville paid for hiring Emily Cama as her new assistant at the WCA Foundation starting 10/21; Joni paid for the 7,000 attendees at the Apple Festival and for the upcoming Halloween tours of the Lakeview Cemetery; Amy paid as a thank you for everyone’s generosity to the United Ways; Jim Smith paid for looking so young at his 60th High School reunion; Russ paid because he was happy to be here and promises to be here again; and Mark & Dewey paid for leaving early.