TODAY: President Marion Beckerink led the Club in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing of the National Anthem.
INVOCATION: An invocation about praying was given by Paulette Kline.
Michelle Jones, President Elect, introduced Dan Siracuse from the Dunkirk/Fredonia Rotary as well at United Way North; Jeremy L. Wragge, Heather Kinal (filmers of today’s meeting) & Wally Wollenzien (soon to be Rotarian)
>Wally Wollenzien was approved for membership by the membership committee and the BOD. The Club has 10 days to contact Jennifer Harper if there are any reasons Wally should not become a member.
>Sharon Hamilton spoke about the service project at UCAN City Mission. Several Rotarians participated in providing a meal for the guests and staff at UCAN on Sunday evening. It was a fun and rewarding experience for Rotarians and UCAN enjoying a meal together.
>Emily Cama encouraged members to participate in the making of blankets for Heritage nursing home residents. The event is on November 20th at the Southern Chautauqua Federal Credit Union from 5:30-8:30.
>Cheri Krull announced that the deadline for the youth exchange has been extended to December 2nd. This is for school year 25-26. So far there are no applications. There is a Zoom meeting for interested parents on November 25th at 7pm. Contact Cheri for the zoom information for those interested in Exchange
>David Troxell bid farewell to our group as he travels back overseas to his winter residence. and thanked the Vision Committee for their response to the international projects.
>Caitlin, Chair of the Vision Committee. A proposal form for the Vision Committee was distributed to gain information about potential proposals. December 12th is the next meeting via Zoom. Anyone may attend.
>Caitlin O’Reilly and David Troxell attended the District Foundation Conference in order that we may apply for district grants.
>Jamestown Rotary Club was presented a Lighthouse Award at the District Conference that celebrates an outstanding 2023-24 Rotary year. Current President, Marion, presented this award today to Ruth Lundin who was Club President for the 2023-24 year. In accepting the award Ruth iterated that this is a club award. She highlighted the Jamestown sign and the auction projects that assisted in receiving the award.
50/50 AMOUNT & WINNER: Sue Jones was the lucky winner of $47.00.
Doug Conroe, Sergeant at Arms fined
>Becky Robbins paid for the BPU announcing there would be no 2025 increases.
>Football’s winning teams and their corresponding Rotary members.
Happy Bucks:
>Diana Meckley paid for the Rotarians that participated in cooking at UCAN and expressed that working together in the kitchen at UCAN was very rewarding and a great example of
Service projects bringing Rotarians to a better understanding of community programs.
>Russ Diethrick spoke eloquently about world series of baseball, an emotional experience.
While a Yankees fan for a very long time, he was happy to see the Dodgers win as the manager for Dodgers is a Jamestown player. He thanked all those who have been supporters of Jamestown baseball.
>Ruth put in a happy buck for Russ for all he has done for Jamestown Baseball and challenged all those who have enjoyed the Tarp Skunks to do the same.
>Mike Roberts traveled to Washington, DC. He bet with a Chiefs fan against the Bills. The Bills won and Mike will be receiving some Kansas City barbeque sauce.
>Greg Jones announced Cummins Engine is donating a new engine for the Bemus Ferry.
>Marion gave a happy buck for Caitlin and Tim Edborg for leading in the singing of the National Anthem.