President Marian Beckerink called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance with Tim Edborg and Caitlin O’Reilly leading the singing of the National Anthem.
Sue Jones gave the invocation.
President-Elect Michelle Jones introduced guest (for the last time) Wally Wollenzein. Wally will be inducted as a new member at next week’s meeting.
Greg Jones issued a plea to all members to sign up for a 1 ½ or 2-hour shift ringing the bells for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign. We have been doing this service every year for ages and there are all still open slots remaining to be filled. It’s easy, it’s fun and a great service project, you will feel good when you’ve finished. CALL OR EMAIL ROBERT ANDERSON AND SIGN UP or 716-450-2809. Please, please help us fill these slots.
Paulette Kline thanked everyone involved in the great success of our float in Jamestown’ s holiday parade. Our float theme was “Reading Lights Up the Mind”! Dave and Lisa Painter donated the truck and generator and drove and Lisa handed out candy. John Bauman, Paulette and Andrew and Sophia Cama walked and handed out books, and bookmarks with candy until they ran out. Sally Martinez, Patricia Graves and Sharon Hamilton helped Paulette string books as ornaments. Paulette and Dave and Lisa served as cleanup crew. All pre and post work was done in Mike Roberts WARM Toys for Tots Warehouse.
Sharon Hamilton requested help with meeting preparations and cleanup. If you weren’t at today’s meeting, there are plenty of meetings left to sign up for. It takes only a few minutes of your time and requirements nothing but signing your name and volunteering to sell 50/50 tickets, greeting, setting up the banner and the birthday globe and getting out the membership badges. Then put it away at the end of the meeting. Chris Anderson, Jason Sample and Ken Omeruo are wonderful about setting up and taking down the computer equipment.
Joni Blackman introduced the December birthday celebrants:
Andy Goodell, 12/1; Steve Sandberg, 12/2; Greg Jones, 12/4; Dave Painter, 12/11; Jim Smith, 12/22; Jason Sample, 12/26; Eddie Sundquist, 12/31 and Ruth Lundin, 12/31. Happy birthday to the Snowflakes!
Paulette Kline won $45 in the 50/50 and donated $20 back to the club to cover the cost of the parade candy.
Sergeant-at-arms Doug Conroe fined Amy Rohler and Mark Olson for leaving early and Amy also for four United Way Press announcements; Andy Goodell was fined for his Community Support Award from the Resource Center; Tory Irgang was fined for her admiration of the Tarp Skunks organization; Joni Blackman was fined for returning to the Fenton Historical Center as Executive Director; and Wally Wollenzein was fined for his Christmas suit and for his Brigham Young winning football team.
Happy Bucks included Jason Sample for the meeting of the Chautauqua County Historical Society; Paulette for leaving for Florida; Deb Kathman for her granddaughter’s acceptance to the UB Honors Program; Tory paid for the Wizard and her two children on it; Greg paid for Syracuse winning against Miami and selling his tickets for three times the face value!