Bulletin Editor
John Bauman
Nov 04, 2024
Tim Hortons
Nov 11, 2024
Veteran's Day Holiday
Nov 18, 2024
Hospice & Tanzaian Project
Nov 25, 2024
Cornell University
Dec 02, 2024
Chautauqua Striders
Dec 09, 2024
JHS A Cappella Choir - First Lutheran Church
Dec 16, 2024
Jamestown Rotary Annual Meeting
Dec 23, 2024
Dec 30, 2024
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Make Up Opportunities 
AM CLUB Meets at 7:30 am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month on Zoom or in person at Northwest Arena
FALCONER — Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 AM at the Falconer Fire Department Exempt Hall located at 1 Coleson Drive Falconer NY, 14733.
WESTFIELD / MAYVILLE — Currently meeting on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 5pm via ZOOM. Contact Janese Berkhouse at 716-397-8801 for Zoom details.
Meet Thursdays at 12:00 PM - Zoom Teleconference Meetings - Effective until further notice - Fredonia, NY 14063
Committee meetings or social events can also be used as make-ups.
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Rotarily Yours - October 28, 2024

TODAY’S CHAIRMAN: President Marion Beckerink led the Club in  the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the National Anthem.

INVOCATION: Becky Robbins gave the invocation.

VISITING ROTARIANS and GUESTS: Michelle Jones, our President-elect, introduced Brian Pender a guest of Tory Irgang. Julian Dyer is potentially a new member from JCC.


Sharon Hamilton discussed the UCAN City Mission Project. Having a service project on November 17 at 6:00 to prepare or bring a meal to the guests. This goes in connection with $1400 grant to purchase a dishwasher, which is now in service.

Ruth Lundin discussed meeting attendance. For the 1Q of this fiscal year there are a total 27 Rotarians (30% of club) who have perfect attendance: Diana Meckley, Sue Jones, Doug Conroe, Pat Kinney, Dan Overcash, Chris Anderson, John Bauman, Marion Beckerink, Kathy Burch, Emily Cama, Lisa Goodell, George Harper, Jennifer Harper, Vince Horrigan, Michelle Jones, Deb Kathman, Paulette Kline, Cheri Krull, Ruth Lundin, Kristin Melville, Caitlin O’Reilly, Kenneth Omeruo, Becky Robbins, Jason Sample, Steve Sandberg, Randy Sweeney and Breenan Webb.  

Paulette Kline discussed the Peace Pole Re-Dedication. This morning we met with Love Elementary school for a photo opportunity. Paulette also read a poem that she had read to the school.

Marion Beckerink recognized that CRECHE donated 100 books to our laundromat library project.

50/50 WINNER: The winner was Kathy Burch.


Doug Conroe recognized the Resource Center was in the paper had an employee recognized by NYS for ethical behavior. Happy Bucks included Ruth Lundin, Joni Blackman, Randy Sweeney. Marion Beckerink mentioned that Michelle Jones, Greg Leonard (AM Club) and herself were going to the District Membership Summit on Saturday when her car tie went flat. She indicated that Michelle is a good person to be with in a car emergency.

Jessica Kubiak - Vice President of Academic Affairs at JCC

Dan Heitzenrater introduced Jessica Kubiak the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Jamestown Community College.

Jessica joined JCC in 2010 as the inaugural coordinator of experiential learning. In her years with JCC, she oversaw areas including undergraduate research, the honors program, service learning, and student internships. She then spent several years as a full-time faculty member in the English department on the college’s Cattaraugus County Campus. She has been a program coordinator and director, and she served for two years as the Dean of the Arts, Humanities, and Health Science division. Jessica has won state and national awards for her teaching of first-year writing and recently earned her Ph.D. in English with a focus on rhetoric and composition from Old Dominion University in Virginia. She currently lives in Allegany, NY.

Jessica gave an overview on her family history. She was born in Olean NY and grew up in Bradford PA. Jessica is very new to this position and covers a wide range of services provided by the college. She is mission driven and a change agent. Her life experiences impacted her professional outlook.

Her early life and adulthood was difficult. She did well academically throughout her youth. She dropped out of college to help her mother out. After getting married and having 2 children she returned to college for her undergraduate degree. She was offered an opportunity to go to a PhD program. She could not go due to her being a single mother and taking care of a sister who was undergoing cancer treatment. She received a Masters degree from Buffalo State.

She has a set of core beliefs and values. Everyone can learn, learning is a function of emotional engagement and reflection, school should not be disconnected from life, knowledge should reflect diversity. Although she is in her first year as the Dean she has been at JCC for 15 years. They have a plan for expanding credits for previous learning and experience. She believes you need to combat student inertia. Challenges include the lack of NYS support.


Paulette Kline asked what programs would you add to help students? Jessica indicated a good first step would be to find out what each student’s goal is the better. Getting into internships early.

Marion Beckerink asked whether Jessica feels they are being successful on the enrollment front? The funding from NYS is flat but the counties are increasing aid. They have to be careful to not increase enrollment but not increase revenue.