AM CLUB —Meets at 7:30 am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month on Zoom or in person at Northwest Arena
FALCONER — Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 AM at the Falconer Fire Department Exempt Hall located at 1 Coleson Drive Falconer NY, 14733.
WESTFIELD / MAYVILLE — Currently meeting on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 5pm via ZOOM. Contact Janese Berkhouse at 716-397-8801 for Zoom details.
Meet Thursdays at 12:00 PM - Zoom Teleconference Meetings - Effective until further notice - Fredonia, NY 14063
Committee meetings or social events can also be used as make-ups.
Rotarily Yours - October 21, 2024
The meeting was called to order by President Marion Beckerink, who led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner. The invocation, focused on leadership, was delivered by Tory Irgang.
Guests and Welcome
Michelle Jones, the President-elect, welcomed several guests:
Jennifer Lundmark from Cummins JEP, invited by Vince Horrigan.
Julian Dwyer, guest of Marion Beckerink.
Missy Paternitti, guest of Lisa Goodell.
Brian Pender, guest of Tory Irgang.
Ruth Lundin encouraged members to register to vote in the upcoming U.S. general elections. Voter registration forms were available at the meeting. Ruth also invited members to her concert on November 30 at St. Peter & Paul, which will feature traditional and spiritual music.
Sharon Hamilton asked members to sign up for weekly service roles such as greeters, closing the meeting, and managing 50/50 ticket sales, promoting the motto of "Service Above Self."
Upcoming Events
Family Service Night: November 20, 2024, at Southern Chautauqua Federal Credit Union venue.
Annual Christmas Party: December 15, 2024, at the Marvin House. Members planning to attend should RSVP.
District Updates
David Troxell provided an update from the District International Service Committee, which encourages clubs to share their international projects. He also highlighted some of our club’s proposed projects in Uganda and Cambodia.
Polio Plus Challenge
Joni Blackman announced that the Polio Plus Challenge would run from October 24 (World Polio Day) to January 21, 2025. Members are encouraged to participate by taking a 10-minute meditative walk and donating $1 for each day they walk for 10 uninterrupted minutes.
Vice President Appointment
Following Board approval, President Beckerink introduced Caitlin O’Reilly as the club’s Vice President for 2024-2025, succeeding Kirk Young, who relocated out of the area. The club is seeking someone to fill this position for the 2025-2026 term.
Additional Announcements
Sue Jones asked members to update their profiles on ClubRunner.
Cheri Maytum-Krull reminded members about ongoing recruitment for outbound exchange students, with applications due by November 1, 2024, for youth aged 15-18.
50/50 Raffle
The $59 raffle prize was won by Dave Painter, who donated it to the venue staff.
Fines and Happy Bucks
Doug Conroe, the club’s Sergeant-at-Arms, coordinated this segment with a few fines and happy bucks.
This week’s speakers were Andrew Molitor and Mike Bobseine, both candidates for the New York State Assembly in the upcoming U.S. general elections. Each candidate had a few minutes to present and respond to questions from the audience, focusing on topics like electric school bus mandates and the state minimum wage.
L -R: Dan Heitzenrater,Mike Bobseine,Andrew Molitor and Marion Beckerink
Photo credit:Mellisa Paternitti
Andrew Molitor, First Assistant District Attorney of Chautauqua County, emphasized public safety and community affordability, advocating for reduced business taxes, state spending, utility costs, and hidden healthcare taxes.
Mike Bobseine, a Chautauqua County attorney, outlined his focus on strengthening education, supporting BPU initiatives like fundings for micro grid projects, and fostering agricultural partnerships.
The meeting ended with the recitation of the 4 Way Test and adjournment by President Marion Beckerink.