Wally Wollenzien awed the group with a memorized poem by Robert Service,” The Wanderer.”
Visiting Rotarians and Guests:
President-Elect Michelle Jones introduced Brandon O’Dell, Alyssa Chamberlin, Jennifer Lundmark and Ellen Shadle.
Michelle Jones spoke about the “Coldest Night of the Year” walk that many Rotarians participated in last year. It’s set for 5-8 p.m. February 22 in downtown Jamestown to help the YWCA and the homeless. Anyone who wants to participate can join Michelle’s Northwest Bank group for a 5K or one-mile walk.
Max Eimiller previewed the Minigolf Tournament Rotary is hosting from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 1, in downtown, with a possible after-party at Shawbucks. He still needs members to help at some of the bars. Participating bars so far are Wicked Warren’s, Haggy’s and NW Arena with more anticipated. There will be gift baskets – Rotarians can donate lottery tickets for a basket to Michelle Jones’ Lakewood Northwest branch. Holes may be sponsored at $50 each.
George Harper brought a Rotary Club banner from Buckhead, part of Atlanta, GA.
Ellen Shadle, principal planner at the City Department of Development, spoke to the group about the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which is intended as a vision for Jamestown's next 10-20 years. She asked members to participate in the public survey to give their ideas about the future of Jamestown. She invited anyone interested to visit her Fourth Floor Office at City Hall.
Vince Horrigan detailed how Tim Edborg and his family have undergone many scary and horrible experiences as they traveled to Los Angeles, where his wife Leanne was to be treated for her stage 4 cancer at the City of Hope. They were evacuated from their hotel, their daughter’s home and the hospital at last twice. Finally, as of this date, Leanne will receive her treatments at City of Hope. Vince asked all Rotarians to keep the Edborgs in prayer.
John Felton sent word that the two main activities of the Rotary Vocational Committee this year will be conducting mock interviews with students and training them in financial literacy. Rotarians who would like to help with the financial literacy training can first be trained themselves. If interested, contact John.
Youth Exchange:
Cheri Krull announced that Heath from Australia will arrive on Saturday, January 18. He will be hosted by the Todd and Alexis Singleton family, with Chris Anderson as his counselor.
50/50 Raffle:
Wayne Rishell announced $21 to the winner who was Dan Heitzenrater.
Sergeant at Arms:
Doug Conroe fined a few Rotarians:
Dan Heitzenrater for the Chamber’s Coalition Builder Award made to Amy Rohler.
Joni Blackman left Wally Wollenzien out of the January birthday recognition. Happy birthday to Wally on January 19.
Lori Brokelbank said that one of her sons is coaching students in getting their GEDs.Her other son is now a Second Lieutenant and just got engaged. His school, The Citadel, will play music at the Presidential Inauguration.
Dan Heitzenrater announced that they had a new baby born on November 2. Her name is Elle. He also stated that he is very thankful for his Chamber Board and staff team.
Vince Horrigan stated that his daughter who became a widow because of and during COVID met a man two years later and just became engaged to him. Vince remarked that love can happen a second time.
Kristen Melville noted that the WCA Foundation and UPMC Chautauqua are co-sponsoring a Souper Bowl Sunday on February 2 to benefit the Hillman Cancer Center. They’re selling $10 adult tickets, with reduced tickets for younger attendees.
Sue Jones said online that she and Greg Jones will travel up into the mountains of Mexico this week to distribute water filters. They also just experienced a 6.2 earthquake two nights ago, which was very upsetting but they’re alright.
Marion Beckerink shared that her son is now engaged.