The Pledge Allegiance was offered, and Tim Edborg and Caitlin O’Reilly led the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner. Sue Jones gave an Apache blessing and offered New Year’s greetings to all club members as she and Greg will be in Mexico for three months.
Michelle Jones welcomed guests Assistant District Governor, Mike Harrington; Julian Dwyer; Alyssa Chamberlain; and Jennifer Lundmark.
President Marion and John Felton presented our Doubletree server Kayla de Russo with an honorarium for her work in providing our food service this past year.
All members are encouraged to participate in the Coldest Night of the Year event with the YWCA, slated for February 25, 2025. More information to follow.
Emily Cama was thanked for the excellent job she did in organizing the Club holiday party at the Marvin House.
Rotarian Greg Jones was honored for his 50 years of membership in our Club.
Ivan “Wally” Wallenzein was inducted into membership by President Marion and his sponsor, Mike Roberts.
David Painter donated his $58 from the 50/50 raffle to the wait staff.
Seargent at Arms Doug Conroe fined members for their winning football teams and Amy Rohler for her honor from the Chamber of Commerce and then everyone who did not wear their Rotary Pin.
Several members contributed by announcing their happy bucks.
The official Annual Meeting of the Rotary Club of Jamestown, NY was called to order by President Marion and a quorum was established (thank you to every member who attended and made this meeting outstanding!).
The minutes had been distributed and were officially approved.
Ruth Lundin, Chairman of the Nominating Committee reported the following candidates for Board Directors for 2025-2028:
Patricia Graves, David Painter and Mike Roberts. Chris Anderson will replace Paulette Kline for her unfulfilled term expiring in 2026, as she will be moving south.
Nominations for officers for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors are: President, Michelle Jones; President-Elect, Caitlin O’Reilly; Vice-President, VACANT; Secretary, VACANT; Treasurer, Ruth Lundin; RCJCSF Treasurer, Past President, Marion Beckerink; Sergeant-at-Arms, Doug Conroe; and Club Historian, Sue Jones.
Nominations for directors of the RCJCSF are Ruth Lundin, Joelle Washer, and Kristin Melville. Caitlin O’Reilly will serve as President of that Board by virtue of her office as President-Elect of the Club.
All nominations were elected by unanimous ballot.
Reports were received from committee chairpeople who discussed their ongoing projects, activities, and initiatives, and reviewed the financial status of the club and its membership in addition to focusing on the importance of shared values and vision in the club’s growth.
The meeting was adjourned.