TODAY’S CHAIRMAN: President Ruth Lundin welcomed all and let the Club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the National Anthem.
INVOCATION: Was given by Tory Irgang from the book “Pocket Full of Miracles”
VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS: President-elect, Marion Beckerink, introduced guests:
Caitlin O’Reilly, Colorado Springs; Kristan McMahon, Jackson Center; Interns from Jackson Center: Kehui Yan, Maddy Russell, Andrew Jin, Jude Gotschall, Nick Farelly-Jackson.
Chris Anderson – Presented a gift to our exchange student who will be leaving us. He will be traveling west for two weeks prior to his departure.
Marion-We are collecting young children’s books for the Chautauqua Center. Hard page books can be purchased at Ollie’s or Walmart at very reasonable prices.
Ruth – Rotary row of seats at The Reg Lenna. A sign up she will send a sign up sheet will be circulated. If members are willing to pay $50, RCJCSF will contribute $50 for a seat which will have Jamestown Rotary on a plate on the seat, along with the member’s name. This is a challenge from the AM Rotary.
Emily – given by Ruth – President’s Dinner deadline for reservations is this Friday, 6/14 and members must pay at the time of reservation.
Amy Rohler – RE: North/South County merger. There are frequently asked questions which may be found on their website which will answer most questions you may have.
Ruth - Highway Cleanup -June 15th in need of at least 8 more folks to sign up.
There will be a Rotary display at the Juneteenth Festival. Need for help-reach out to Marion if you are able to assist and for more information.
DEI Committee is teaming up with Jamestown Young Professionals to have a social with them on September 23rd.
Max – Golf Tournament, July 15th – still looking for sponsorships. The field is half full.
50/50 WINNER – Caitlin O’Reilly -$39 and donated her winnings.
Tory fined about GIVE BIG CHQ which is Thursday. There will be a matching component from CRCF.
Mike Roberts was fined for his win at the Italian American Golf tournament. He also won 25 years between wins.
Becky Robbins invited all to the BPU hot dog sale on Thursday.
Deb Kathman – honored her granddaughter at JHS Awards ceremony Kate Kathman who received a $19,000 Kate’s interests are psychology and neuroscience.
scholarship to RIT.
Diana Meckley- thanked Dewey who was responsible for the donation of 7 boxes of books From Cassadaga Legion now stored at Allied Alarm.
Joni – REMINDER Please pay dues by 6/26 !