Becky Robbins introduced Kristan McMahon , who since 2019 has served as the President of the Jackson Center. Kristan has guided RHJ Center through two construction projects, the pandemic and now, expansion of its team and programs. She has received a BA in Journalism/Mass Communication and Political Science from St. Bonaventure University, a J.D. from The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law as well as a Certificate from its Communications Law Institute.

She serves as a Trustee and Chair of the Franciscan Mission Committee for St. Bonaventure University and as Secretary and Governance Chair on the Board of Youth for Understanding and a Board member of Sitar Arts Center. Ms. McMahon is an avid traveler who spends her spare time reading about justice, WWII, authoritarian regimes and international humanitarian law. She enjoys cozy mysteries set in tea shops, coffee shops or book shops.
Kristan shared the many facets of the Robert H. Jackson Center. She spoke first about the intern program that is 10 weeks each summer, including a week in Washington, DC. The five yearly interns have many opportunities throughout the 10 weeks to experience RHJ and the impact he has made in so many areas of justice. Over the last five years the RHJ Center has made an impact on the local community as well as the national and international communities. The covid pandemic gave the RHJ Center time to grow and innovate in programming and communicating. Locally, Ms. McMahon talked about the growth and success of the Battle of the Books in Chautauqua County, which Rotary has supported by purchasing the books. RHJ has completed many renovations, making it accessible and relocating all administrative offices to the second floor which makes the expansion of exhibits possible. This year RHJ is going to start digitizing RHJ material from the Library of Congress. The RHJ Center received a grants to assess their Mission and Vision and developed strategic objectives under 5 pillars: building, development, programs, organization, technology. All programming reflects Jackson’s views on topics. Jackson is still having an impact on the world today. RHJ is looking for a Director of Programs. They are upgrading their website. The RHJ is also a popular voting site.
Kristan shared the many facets of the Robert H. Jackson Center. She spoke first about the intern program that is 10 weeks each summer, including a week in Washington, DC. The five yearly interns have many opportunities throughout the 10 weeks to experience RHJ and the impact he has made in so many areas of justice. Over the last five years the RHJ Center has made an impact on the local community as well as the national and international communities. The covid pandemic gave the RHJ Center time to grow and innovate in programming and communicating. Locally, Ms. McMahon talked about the growth and success of the Battle of the Books in Chautauqua County, which Rotary has supported by purchasing the books. RHJ has completed many renovations, making it accessible and relocating all administrative offices to the second floor which makes the expansion of exhibits possible. This year RHJ is going to start digitizing RHJ material from the Library of Congress. The RHJ Center received a grants to assess their Mission and Vision and developed strategic objectives under 5 pillars: building, development, programs, organization, technology. All programming reflects Jackson’s views on topics. Jackson is still having an impact on the world today. RHJ is looking for a Director of Programs. They are upgrading their website. The RHJ is also a popular voting site.
Ms. McMahon is an excellent speaker and gave a very compelling presentation. I would encourage you to go to our website and listen to her entire presentation.