Vince Horrigan introduced Mark Geise who will speak to Rotarians today on the state of economic development in Chautauqua County.  Mark has broad experience in both the private and public sector of business development and planning in our country.  Early in his career he was founder and president of a byproduct and re-use company in Fredonia and went on to be Sales Manager, and Operations Director in the glass processing industry in St. Louis.  Mark has extensive experience as a senior planner in ecology and environment.  Mark’s work in the public sector includes Director of Development for the City of Dunkirk, Director of Planning and Economic development for Chautauqua County, Director of Economic Development, Monroe County and currently serves as the Deputy County Executive for Economic Development in Chautauqua County and CEO, County of Chautauqua’s Industrial Development Agency.  Mark has a Bachelor’s degree in environmental design and a Master’s in urban planning from the University of Buffalo,  He is married to Katie Geise, former President of the Rotary club of Jamestown.

Mark used a power point to concisely present the partners and work that goes into development in our County.  The Mission of CCD of Planning & Development (CCPEG) is to “originate programs and activities aimed at improving the community, economy and quality of life in Chautauqua County. The Department focuses on projects relating to Planning, Community Development and Economic Development.”  The Department assists with economic development initiatives by appropriating funding to various qualifying projects through the 3% occupancy tax program, community contracts and Microenterprise Assistance Program.  The key goals and initiatives for 2024 are 1. County-wide Code Enforcement Study  2. Update the County’s Shared Services Plan & submit to State   3. Smart Growth County Resiliency Plan   4. Municipal Technical Assistance, meeting with all municipalities.   The CC Planning & Development also works with various lake and watershed groups, agencies and commissions on projects affection our waterways. They’re also responsible for appropriating funding to various qualifying projects through the 2% occupancy tax via the Watershed Grant Program and In-Lake Grant Program.

In 2023, CC Partnership for Economic Growth focused on advancing 26 priority projects. The Partnership provide $459,250 in financial and technical assistance to support several dozen partner led projects and initiatives that supported economic revitalization and long term strategic investment throughout CC. Also, the Partnership was awarded 11 grants totaling $1,181,902 and leveraged an additional $28,251,040 in behalf of its partners.

The CCPEG identifies and analyzed known or suspected brownfields and works to remediate, market and redevelop them. It works to attract additional tourists and visitors into downtown Jamestown by developing areas along the Chadakoin River.  CCPEG works with Fredonia Water System to determine the feasibility and cost effectiveness of available methods to continue the village’s own water system. 

CC Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA) is authorized and empowered by NYS to make Chautauqua County a Better place to work, live and visit. They facilitate development by attracting new businesses, while promoting the retention and expansion of existing businesses.   They provide low interest loans, tax incentives, bonds, site selection, technical assistance and new grants.  In 2023 the CCIDA assisted 34 projects which will result in a total investment in CC of $842 million, create 574 permanent jobs, retain 2,324 jobs and will create hundreds of construction jobs.  A

CCIDA & CCPEG also received several recent awards and recognitions.  Among them was Mark Geise who was named to Buffalo Business First’s 2024 “Power 250” list and in July 2024 Buffalo Business First Ranked CCIDA as Top Economic Development Agency in WNY for 2023.  Much information was presented. It’s unfortunate that the internet went down so listening to the entire presentation is not possible. 
